Helpforce: our code of conduct
Your Network membership and use is subject to your acceptance of, and agreement to, this code of conduct, which supplements our terms & conditions.
Be active
Express opinions freely and feel comfortable entering into informed debate and discussion. Welcome comments and suggestions about content that you share.
Be you
Keep your user profile up-to-date and accurate. Use only your own credentials when posting information. Reflect your full professional name you use at your organisation and not an avatar name. If you use a photograph in your profile, use one which is appropriate for use within a professional setting.
Be original
Only submit content that you have personally written or that you have properly attributed. Respect copyright and the intellectual property rights of others. Logos and images should only be used if you have permission. Please do not advertise commercial products and services; you can always mention relevant products and services as long as they support your comment.
Be safe and protective
Do not disclose any personal information, including but not limited to: private addresses, phone numbers, email addresses or other online contact details, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, criminal history, trade union membership, or health or sex life. Do not share official or sensitive Content without prior authorisation from the Site Owner. Do not disclose any patient or service user identifiable details. Ensure that the Content you upload does not infringe upon any applicable local, national or international law or regulation.
Be respectful
Respect others for who they are and for their knowledge, skills, views and experience. Do not post anything that is, or may be interpreted as libellous, obscene, hateful, sexist, racist, discriminatory, defamatory, harassing or inappropriate in any way. Do not post anything that is unlawful or fraudulent, or has any unlawful or fraudulent purpose or effects. Communicate as professionally as you would in a face-to-face interaction. Be aware that it is illegal to post Content that is libellous, condones illegal activity, or breaks copyright.
Be honest and on topic
Post accurate and factual information which is relevant to that pre-approved purpose at all times. Do not create a misleading impression to other users. Take action to correct any mistakes and remove information that is no longer current. Remain open, honest and professional. When using information, carefully review the accuracy and applicability of it to make sure it is current, complete and relevant.