Ethan Prosser – Cardiff and Vale University Health Board
1st July 2020

Ethan started volunteering at University Hospital Llandough in January 2019. He had finished his education and was struggling to find a job because of his disabilities, and his mother was concerned that he was isolated at home. She felt that volunteering would help get him out and meet people. His autism and deafness mean that he struggles to communicate and finds new situations daunting.
On his first day of volunteering Ethan was very reluctant to leave the house, but did so with some persuasion. When he arrived at the hospital he was quiet and shy. Following his induction he was paired up with Collin Teague, an experienced volunteer. Collin showed him what to do with the library and which wards to visit.
Ethan came back smiling. He had given out quite a few books to patients and could see how the service was making a difference to them. The following week he couldn’t wait to start his volunteering. He was waiting at the door for Collin to pick him up.
Today, the staff and patients comment on Ethan’s lovely smile and they look forward to him visiting the wards. Everyone has noticed how much his confidence has grown and how much his speech has improved. Since starting his volunteering role Ethan has also secured a part-time job in the shop in the hospital. This would not have happened if he had not been volunteering in the hospital where the staff could see his potential. He continues to enjoy his volunteering at the hospital and is a valuable member of the volunteering team.