Paul is a genuine and thoughtful volunteer whose caring nature shines through

5th November 2020

North Tees

Submitted by Lindsay Rutherford-Hoe, North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust

Paul Musson works full time Monday to Friday in a busy, stressful role. Despite this, however, he dedicates his Saturday morning to ward 33. As an early riser, Paul will arrive to volunteer around 6.45am to catch the staff handover so he can make a note of patient needs with regards to food and liquid to ensure no one is offered food or drink, who shouldn’t be, and appropriate cups are used during breakfast. He then supports during breakfast time, encouraging patients to eat and drink.

After helping to serve breakfast and once patients start to get out of bed, Paul will support staff and patients to ensure their days go a little more smoothly. He spends his time chatting to patients mostly about football or the weather as an icebreaker, raising spirits on the ward.

Paul also provides support to new volunteers on the ward, giving advice and helping them settle into their role. He is very comfortable being the ‘friendly face’ of volunteering. Paul is described by staff on the ward as a lovely, genuine and thoughtful volunteer whose caring nature shines through to staff, patients and volunteers.

Paul shows huge dedication and commitment to the Trust, firstly by giving his valuable time on a Saturday morning when he has a full time, busy job and a fairly new grandchild to occupy his time, but also through his enthusiasm and ideas of how volunteers can get more involved and raise funds for the Trust charitable funds. Although a fairly new volunteer, the impact he has made to the patient experience on ward 33 is huge.

As described by staff on the ward, Paul is a genuine, caring individual who wants to give his time to help make a difference to staff and patients, he is a brilliant volunteer and perfect example of someone wanting to support his local community through the Trust and its patients.