End of Life Companion Volunteer

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30th May 2022


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Thank you to Pat Powell from the Torfaen Voluntary Alliance for sharing this role description.

End of Life Companion Volunteer - Aneurin Bevan University Health Board

The end of life Companion Volunteer Service aims to provide emotional and practical support, which includes companionship, advocacy and signposting to other relevant services. Social isolation often felt by the patient, their family and friends can be alleviated by the companion volunteer. Companions can support the family, allowing them to take a break. They will provide an opportunity for patients and families to share their stories, worries and concerns by listening and comforting them at this difficult and personal time.

Some of the tasks you will carry out are:

  • To establish and build a positive relationships with patients, relatives, carers and staff

  • To reassure anxious patients or relatives and help answer general (non-clinical) queries

  • Undertake dedicated Companion visits on the designated wards to provide comfort and support to patients/relatives/carers at the end of life

  • Provide a listening ear gathering important stories and feedback to inform improved service delivery and meaningful end of life care experience

  • To signpost relatives/carers/friends to post bereavement support

  • To provide regular updates of Companion volunteering activity during peer support sessions

  • To gather and share patient, relative, carer and staff stories