How we can help you

Helpforce works with partners across health, care and the community to develop and evaluate services that optimise the difference volunteers can make.

Here we explain how we can help you meet key challenges and the specialist services that allow us to do this.
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Volunteering services that meet your challenges

We work like a consultancy, and will start our partnership by finding out more about the challenges you face. Once we understand your situation, we will work with you to deliver volunteering solutions that help meet your challenges – and evaluate those solutions to make sure they do.

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Our Back to Health framework

At Helpforce, we develop solutions based on our Back to Health framework, putting volunteering services in place to help people in hospital, in their home and in the community.

Our Impact


health, care and community partners have developed or evaluated services with us since 2022 as part of our Back to Health campaign


people have been supported by those services


of staff agree volunteer support improves the quality of service they can provide

How we help you - our specialist services

We are the only charity focused exclusively on encouraging high impact volunteering in health and care. We bring specialist knowledge, expertise and tools to our partnerships with NHS, care and community organisations:

Developing volunteering services:

We have provided expert support and proven services models to dozens of health and care organisations.

Evaluating volunteering's impact:

We build robust assessment into all our partnership projects and can evaluate other volunteering services. We have built up a unique bank of over 230 evidence findings.

Sharing volunteering expertise through our peer Network:

Nearly 1,000 individuals and over 700 organisations are part of the Helpforce Network, sharing resources and knowledge about creating better volunteering services.

Making your service sustainable and scalable

Any volunteering solution we work on should be sustainable and built into business as usual. To achieve this we:


Work with your existing volunteering infrastructure

To build capability and capacity to manage any new services


Secure stakeholder support

We will work with you to secure clinical and other stakeholder support for new or evolving services


Create community links

We will help build links between health and community-based voluntary services, creating referral pathways​


Embed evaluation and data collection

We will help you embed evaluation and data collection in all services to ensure they deliver as planned – or are changed if not


Sustain and scale up

We establish a body of data as the basis for future development or funding proposals to sustain or scale up the project

Find out more about Helpforce

Our ICS Back to Health programme

Building on our existing pioneering work with Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), this Lottery-funded programme will improve thousands of people’s health and care across the NHS and in local communities.

Our essential evidence

Explore Helpforce's unique data bank about the impact of volunteering,

Meet our team

We are a tight-knit team and passionate about accelerating and growing the impact of volunteering in health and care

Contact us

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