Deepest respect for a dedicated and hard-working professional

18th October 2022

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Sammy Lambert is Business Development, Charity and Volunteer Manager at Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust (HDFT) and by any measure an exceptional volunteer service manager.

Sammy is an innovative and transformational volunteer manager. An excellent example is that this year she initiated and led on #teamHDFT, dividing its volunteering programme into three volunteer pathways so as to increase its appeal to volunteers and take advantage of ever-evolving trends in volunteering patterns.

In addition to the Standard Volunteering Pathway she created a new Career Enhancement Pathway specifically aimed at people wishing to pursue educational and professional development goals through committing to one of the volunteering roles. She also created an Enhanced Support Pathway for people with special educational needs and / or disabilities who would benefit from a bespoke volunteering plan based on their unique needs.

These pathways are already flourishing even at this early stage and are wonderful examples of Sammy’s leadership of innovative change within the volunteering service. Sammy’s leadership style makes the volunteers feel extremely valued for the incredibly valuable impact they have on HDFT services. She enthusiastically leads regular thank you events at which the Trust champions and celebrates volunteer contributions with her customary positivity. Her friendly and warm personality shines out on these occasions where she speaks with every volunteer to hear about their amazing stories and the many ways in which they donate their time and skills.

Her personal leadership of the Trusts events during Volunteers Week 2022 was inspirational too, a superb example being the “Volunteer Stepathon” event, a 12-hour endurance walking challenge which engaged volunteers, staff and supporters brilliantly.

Sammy’s enthusiasm to help volunteers make a difference to staff, patients and their families is second-to-none and she continuously puts her team first and ensures everyone has a sprinkle of her sparkle.

An excellent example of this and her ability to rise to any challenge and lead her team to success is that during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic the volunteer offer was fairly small scale. However, with Sammy’s drive, guidance and innovative approach, the volunteers were able to safely help and make a difference, for example through helping on the mask station, our staff store and through many other volunteering opportunities that provided invaluable support in this difficult period.

Sammy is a dedicated and hard-working professional and is typically in the office from early in the morning and is always one of the last to leave. She treats all volunteers and staff regardless of seniority with the same respect. Tackles every project, challenge and each working day with her non-stop positivity, inspirational creativity and her exceptional leadership. For all these things and more Sammy has the deep respect, admiration and loyalty of her staff team who recorded their personal video testimonies for this nomination.

“It is a pleasure and a privilege to nominate Sammy Lambert for the Helpforce Champions Volunteer Manager of the Year award.”

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