Helpforce Champions 2023 Finalist - Pete Bond

2nd October 2023

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Nominated for Volunteer of the Year 2023

Video entry

North West Ambulance Service - Pete Bond

Pete Bond is an outstanding volunteer whose dedication and commitment over the past 11 years has had such a positive impact across the whole of Cumbria and Lancashire. Pete monitors and checks hundreds of defibrillators across the regions to ensure that they are rescue ready when they are needed. He also supports defib guardians in the community with any issues they might be having with their machines which recently included assisting the guardians with the switch over to the new national defib network, The Circuit. Pete’s invaluable support meant that hundreds of defibs are now on the national database so that they can be allocated in an emergency.

He also calls the guardians in his own time to see if they need any additional support. Pete regularly delivers defib awareness training to communities across Cumbria and Lancashire to make sure that as many people as possible are aware of the Community Defibs, how to use them and what to do in an emergency, he has indirectly saved so many lives by giving up his time to support others.

Pete is well known in the Community Resuscitation Team and will email staff Community Resuscitation Development Officers to let them know about any defib issues in their areas if he is not able to resolve it himself. Knowing that he is out there and keeping an eye on the CPADs (Community Public Access Defibrillators) frees up time for the CRDOs to focus on other areas of their role.

Pete is often invited to community meetings to offer his opinions and expertise regarding placement of CPADS and has been involved in many negotiations with communities around this topic. He also attends meetings with the Chain of Survival Lead for Cumbria and Lancashire because his views, opinions, and input are greatly valued.

When a defib is used in a cardiac arrest by an ambulance crew, Pete repatriates defibs across Cumbria and Lancashire to ensure that they are rescue ready for the next time they are required.

Quite honestly the man is simply amazing, the amount of respect I have for this man with his passion, foresight and determination are second to none. His volunteering has made such a difference, and he goes above and beyond every day to support his community.”

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