Unique garden space created for bereaved parents

17th October 2022

Petronella Baynes

Petronella Baynes is a dedicated gardener at The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust nurturing and maintaining many outdoor spaces. However, in 2022 Pet went above and beyond her role and got involved in a transformation project providing a Maternity Bereavement Suite for mums who give birth to stillborn babies at the hospital. Pet not only designed the Suite garden, but she then went to management and supplier meetings where she secured plants and landscape help from a Stockley Business Park company.

Opened on 29 April 2022 this unique garden has been featured in Hello Magazine and Pet has dedicated her time, her own funds and used her fantastic negotiating skills to ensure the creation of a beautiful healing garden.

Families say they are heartbroken to need to be in the Suite but, the private outside space is calming and enables them to spend time with their baby making precious memories in a non clinical environment. The facility and the garden is up for a Building Better Healthcare Award in November as it is recognised as a project that has provided exemplary care for those who need it. Pet became responsible for the garden part of the project which was way above her volunteering role, but she was trusted to deliver due to her commitment, capability and vision. She continues to ensure the garden is kept up to the standard that she designed it to be.

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