Under 18 volunteers

3 Replies


4 Contributors

Created by Katie Jordan
Last updated 2 months ago

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16 May 2024 at 1:15pm



We have been advised recently by our health and safety team that our 16-18 year old volunteers that take patients and visitors to different areas of the hospital should be accompanied by an adult aged 18+ at all times and has recommended that they do not undertake training to assist visitors in wheelchairs.

We recruit volunteers from the age of 16 when they are able to be DBS checked and all have an occupational health check done by our OH team + references etc.

Please could you let me know if your under 18 volunteers are accompanied by adults aged 18+ when volunteering?

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16 May 2024 at 1:25pm


Following as I would like to know this too. Thanks!

16 May 2024 at 1:35pm

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You might find the guidance from the NSPCC about using young volunteers helpful.


"Some young people might not be suitable to work with other children or adults at risk. This could be for a range of reasons, including the potential impact on the young volunteer themselves. In general, volunteers aged under 18 should never be left alone to supervise others or included in adult to child supervision ratios."

16 May 2024 at 1:40pm

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We also take volunteers from age 16 at Sheffield Children's Hospital. Some of them do meet and greet and take families around the hospital. We do not have over 18s escorting them.

What was the reasoning behind this? What risks were identified do you know?

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