Webinar recording “Developing an integrated health and care pathway supported by volunteers and community groups”

Tags: Webinar

28th January 2022


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Integrated volunteering Screenshot 2022 01 28

Back to Health - an integrated patient pathway

The view of community volunteering and support is much clearer now than before Covid and has shown that there is a resource that can be tapped into and the potential for volunteers to make a huge impact; reaching beyond our hospital wards to support people before they come to hospital and after they leave hospital.

Back to Health - Volunteer support service

Providing a 5 step pathway of voluntary support

  1. Comfort calls - calls to patients waiting for appointments / treatments / surgery

  2. Pre hospital support - helping patients at home to prepare for appointment / treatment / surgery

  3. Accessibility support - helping patients to access telephone / virtual appointments and remote support tools

  4. Support for returning home - In patient discharge support to help supporting patients to recover so that they might return home as soon as possible

  5. Help at home - to help reduce chance of readmission and attendance at emergency departments

To find out more please view the video recording

For a copy of the presentation slide please download the attached PDF