Do you have any connections with Care homes in Wales?
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Created by Debbie Ambrose Last updated 2 months ago Tags:
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Debbie Ambrose
26 November 2024 at 10:04am
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(Please note: This survey is by Social Care Wales not Helpforce)
Social Care Wales are undertaking a survey to understand the contribution of volunteers in care homes. If you or anyone you know can help with this study please read on.
Help Social Care Wales understand the contribution of volunteers in social care
Please tell us your views on involving volunteers in care homes by taking our short survey. It asks about whether and how you involve volunteers and, if you do, what impact volunteers have on your care home.
It should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.
Even if you don’t have any volunteers currently, we’d like your views, as we’re keen to understand any barriers or challenges to their involvement.
Survey link:
This will help us to build an up-to-date picture of volunteering in residential social care in Wales to inform future social care policy and practice.
The survey is part of a project commissioned by us, Social Care Wales, and funded by Welsh Government's Volunteering Wales Strategic Grant, administered by the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA). We’re working with the Welsh Institute for Health and Social Care, University of South Wales and Bayes Business School, City University of London to better understand the current social care volunteering landscape in Wales.
The survey has been designed for completion by a manager/leader within a single care home. If you are a group manager for a number of care homes, please send this to the managers of individual care homes within your group for them to complete.
The survey closes on Friday 29 November 2024.
To find out more about this project, please visit
Helpa ni i ddeall cyfraniad gwirfoddolwyr mewn gofal cymdeithasol
Dywedwch wrthym eich barn am gynnwys gwirfoddolwyr mewn cartrefi gofal drwy gymryd ein harolwg byr. Mae'n gofyn a ydych chi'n cynnwys gwirfoddolwyr a, os gwnewch chi, pa effaith mae gwirfoddolwyr yn ei chael ar eich cartref gofal.
Ni ddylai gymryd mwy na 20 munud i'w gwblhau.
Hyd yn oed os nad oes gennych unrhyw wirfoddolwyr ar hyn o bryd, hoffem glywed eich barn, gan ein bod yn awyddus i ddeall unrhyw rwystrau neu heriau i'w hymglymiad.
Cyswllt arolwg:
Bydd hyn yn ein helpu i greu darlun cyfoes o wirfoddoli mewn gofal cymdeithasol preswyl yng Nghymru er mwyn llywio polisi ac ymarfer gofal cymdeithasol yn y dyfodol.
Mae'r arolwg yn rhan o brosiect a gomisiynwyd gennym ni, Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, ac yn cael ei ariannu gan Grant Strategol Gwirfoddoli Llywodraeth Cymru, a weinyddir gan Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru (CGGC). Rydym yn gweithio gyda Sefydliad Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol Cymru, Prifysgol De Cymru ac Ysgol Fusnes y Bayes, Prifysgol Dinas Llundain i ddeall yn well y dirwedd gwirfoddoli gofal cymdeithasol bresennol yng Nghymru.
Mae'r arolwg wedi'i gynllunio i'w gwblhau gan reolwr/arweinydd mewn cartref gofal sengl. Os ydych yn rheolwr grŵp ar gyfer nifer o gartrefi gofal, anfonwch hwn at reolwyr cartrefi gofal unigol yn eich grŵp iddynt eu cwblhau.
Mae'r arolwg yn cau ar ddydd Gwener 29 Tachwedd 2024.
I ddarganfod mwy am y prosiect hwn, ewch i
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth gyda'r astudiaeth bwysig hon.
Please note: This survey is by Social Care Wales not Helpforce