Do you have any questions that you would like to put to the panel of our recent webinar on "Volunteering in a mental health trust"?

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2 Contributors

Created by Debbie Ambrose
Last updated 9 months ago

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28 September 2023 at 12:18pm


Unfortunately we ran out of time for the Q&A part of our webinar "Volunteering in a mental health trust" on Wednesday 27 September 2023.

The recording and presentation slides can be found here

If you would like to ask a question please use this Forum and we will endeavour to get them answered for you.

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29 September 2023 at 3:23pm


Firstly, a great big thank you to all for this exciting session!

Hat off to SLaM for running such a varied, inclusive, and creative volunteering service.

I have a couple of questions:

  • Isobel: how did you calculate the £600K per year economic capital of your volunteering workforce? Figures are persuasive arguments, so knowing how to calculate this would be of great help. Thank you!

  • Isobel: would you kindly share the JD for the Volunteer Discharge Support post?

  • Sinead: at present at SWLSTG we don't recruit volunteers who are under 18ys old. Would it be OK to signpost to your service any volunteering queries we receive from under 18s?

  • Isobel / all: we receive lots of volunteering applications from Psych graduates (BSc, MSc, and PhD) all seeking to volunteer alongside psychology / psychotherapy staff. How do you support this class of volunteers when opportunities to work alongside Psychologists and Psychotherapists are limited due to the 1:1 nature of most of their work?

  • Isobel / all: do you have volunteers working alongside Peer Support Workers? If so, what does this look like?

Many thanks again for a thoroughly enjoyable session.

I watched the recording again and noticed how serious / stern I look - it's my concentrating face! I was smiling inside.

Thank you,


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