Ideas for creating a Volunteer E-Newsletter
Tags: Template
16th March 2021

Thank you to Anita Gillen the Voluntary Services Manager for St Helen's & Knowsley Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust for sharing a copy of their latest newsletter for volunteers. Packed full of inspiring ideas, news, selfcare and a quiz.
"Dear Volunteers
As we approach Valentines Day on 14th February I though that this newsletter should focus on YOU. The month of February is usually devoted to loving others. That is a brilliant thing to do and it is very important when it comes to living a positive life—but so is loving yourself!
There are too many people in this world who treat others better than they treat themselves so this edition will hopefully give you some tips and techniques on showing a little self-love. See inside for some tips.
For many this second lockdown has been brutal, loneliness and isolation feels worse during the cold winter months. Reaching out can help you
get through this isolation and hopefully make you feel less alone.
We want to hear from you! Give the office a call, email us, write to us! You’re are in our team and we want to know how you are.
We look forward to having all our volunteers back together, we have lots to celebrate when our lives get back to the new normal.
Until then stay safe!"
For the full newsletter please download the attachment.
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- Example: Newsletter
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