Mark Lever, Helpforce CEO
Mark is a Chartered Accountant with a Cranfield MBA. The first 13 years of his career were spent training and practising as a Chartered Accountant, he then decided to leave the world of finance and move into the third sector – a decision he has not regretted for a single minute of his 25 + years in the sector. During this time, he has been Chief Executive of the WRVS and the National Autistic Society. He joined Helpforce in 2019 and has been leading the charity to achieve mission where it aims to accelerate the growth and impact of volunteering in health and care.
Mark is one of the judges for the Helpforce Champions Awards 2021. To read other judges' profiles, please click links below:
- Dr Amit Patel - Active campaigner for accessibility, diversity and inclusion
- Karen Bonner - Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control at Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
- Maisy Vincent - Helpforce Champion Awards Winner 2019 in the category "Young Volunteer of the Year"
- Sally James - Public Health Workforce Lead, working across the Midlands
- Sir Tom Hughes-Hallet - Helpforce Chairman and Founder