Your Network

At Helpforce, we believe in the value of community and that’s why we created the Network, a free online peer community for professionals from statutory and voluntary sector organisations with an interest in volunteering in health and care. The Network is the place where you can share your knowledge, learn from your peers and find practical support and resources.
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Benefits of joining the Network

As a member, you can join free online events, a lively forum and discussion groups. You will have access to our specialist resources and one-to-one support. And, most importantly, you can meet nearly 1,000 other volunteer leaders and professionals working in the health, care and community sectors across the UK.

Online events

Every month our online events allow members to meet each other, learn about the latest developments in health and care volunteering, discuss challenging topics, share knowledge, test new ideas and ask peers about solutions that have worked for them. Network event recordings are all available as additional resources for members.

Online resources

Our members get access to a bank of specialist resources, templates, role descriptions and case studies from fellow members and Helpforce.

Members' forum

The online forum is where you can discuss new issues and get ideas from your peers. Our website also has a direct messaging feature that allows members to connect with each other.

Other support from Helpforce


Tailored support

If members need support, the Helpforce Network team can help – usually by introducing you to specialist support or peers who we know have tackled similar issues.


Always in the know

You will always be the first to know about new Helpforce updates and insights.


Your voice will be heard

Helpforce exists to accelerate the growth of volunteering. We amplify your voice to national health and care organisations about the challenges and solutions you share.

Recently joined members

There are many Helpforce Network members striving to make volunteering in health and care better. Welcome to our newest network members!

View all members

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How we can help you

Helpforce works with organisations across health, care and the community to develop and evaluate services that optimise the difference volunteers can make.

Here we explain how we can help you meet key challenges and the specialist services that allow us to do this.

Case studies

Learn how our support makes a difference to our partners

About us

Volunteers are doing great things across health and care, in the NHS and in our communities – but volunteering is still not making the impact it could for patients, staff and on wider systems.

Helpforce exists to make this happen. Here we explain how.

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