Falls prevention exercise booklet

Tags: Template

16th August 2021


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IMG 2524

Since March 2021, Helpforce have been supporting Kingston Hospital to plan, implement and evaluate a volunteer led falls prevention service. Thanks to the hard work of the volunteering team, steering group and physiotherapy teams at Kingston Hospital, the service will be accepting referrals and supporting service users from October.

To date Helpforce have shared with you;

This post brings you the booklet of exercises prescribed by physiotherapists that each service user will receive and will be supported in undertaking at home with a trained volunteer. Please be aware that this booklet should only be followed where safe to do so, as indicated by a physiotherapist.

My next post will include the volunteer delivery manual. This manual will outline all the activities a volunteer should complete with patients during their home visit along with any helpful resources and critical guidance (for example escalation routes and screening questions to be followed).

Please reach out to me if you are interested in discussing this project in more detail and to explore how your organisation could adopt a similar intervention via mg@helpforce.community