Evidenced Outcome

Improved staff productivity

Evidence point

26 mins of nurse time saved per day per nurse (n=73)

24 minutes of ‘all staff’ time saved per day per ‘all staff ’ (n=152, average reported across all sites)

Staff were asked what tasks they did with the time saved which contributes to improved patient care and greater hospital efficiency:

• Organising care plans and medicines (54% of nurses (n=52) and 44% of all staff (n=96))

• Supporting more patients (23% of nurses (n=52) and 36% of all staff (n=96))

• Focussing more time on patients with higher needs (13% of nurses (n=52) and 13% of all staff (n=96))

• Discharging patients (8% of nurses (n=52) and 5% of all staff (n=96)

Primary beneficiary


Partner organisation

Multiple NHS Trusts

Volunteering role / intervention

Multiple acute hospital based roles

Evidence strength




November 2020

Volunteering Innovators Programme - Multiple Organisations - Evaluation report - November 2020