Evidenced Outcome
Supported to improve physical health and diet
Evidence point
The proportion of members who agreed / strongly agreed with the statement 'I have easy access to healthy food' increased from 58% to 79% after using the service. This was a statistically significant increase of 21% more individuals agreeing or strongly agreeing in the follow-up survey.
The proportion of members who agreed / strongly agreed with the statement 'I know how to maintain a health diet' increased from 74% to 78% after using the service. This 4% increase, however, was not statistically significant.
The proportion of members who agreed / strongly agreed with the statement 'I eat lots of fruits and vegetables' increased from 51% to 58% after using the service. This 7% increase, however, was not statistically significant.
Additionally, 54% of members agreed or strongly agreed that their physical health had improved since attending the Community Fridge.
N=246 registration survey responses, 103 follow-up survey responses.
Primary beneficiary
Partner organisation
Hale Community Centre
Volunteering role / intervention
Community Fridge
Evidence strength
Evidence Strength meanings:
- Green - strong evidence
- Amber - Promising evidence
June 2024