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Evidenced Outcome

Volunteers support staff to deliver good quality care

Evidence point

Over the course of the Volunteer to Career project....

The proportion of staff who agreed or strongly agreed that volunteers helped to improve the quality of their service increased from 81% to 100%.

The proportion of staff who agreed or strongly agreed that volunteers helped to increase staff awareness of patients’ unique circumstances or situation increased from 56% to 75%.

The proportion of staff who agreed or strongly agreed that volunteers improve the service provided to patients increased from 75% to 94%.

The proportion of staff who agreed or strongly agreed that volunteers improve the service provided to families and carers increased from 60% to 81%.

(n=16 pre,16 post)

Primary beneficiary


Partner organisation

Camden and Islington NHS Foundation Trust

Volunteering role / intervention

Volunteer to Career - Restraint debrief volunteer

Evidence strength




August 2022

Volunteer to Career - Restraint Debrief Volunteers - Evaluation Report - August 2022